Funds available to support local projects
Kids from Belfast School enjoy growing things in their edible garden with funding from the Shirley/Papanui Community Board.
Every financial year the Shirley/Papanui Community Board is allocated funds to help with projects in its local community.
In the 2001/2002 year, starting in July 2001, the Shirley/Papanui Community Board has $50,000 at its discretion to use for unbudgeted expenditure. Requests for funding may come from community groups, or from other units of the Council. Last year some of the funds granted were for:
- Belfast Pool Committee - repairs to perimeter fence.
- Papanui Library - Purchase of 15 "get well bags" for kids.
- Redwood Residents Association - set- up grant.
- Neighbourhood Support Groups - 2 x attendance at National Conference, Wellington.
- St James Park Croquet Club - Purchase of two "Kiwi" croquet sets.
- Christchurch North Methodist Parish - production costs for Papanui village brochure.
- Childrens Day at the Groynes - part funding of costs for the event.
- City Streets unit (CCC) - Purchase of bulbs for planting on Bealey Avenue.
- St Albans Community Resource Centre - purchase of chairs and trolley.
- Wai-Ora Trust - Schools education programme 2000/2001.
- Belfast School - Kids edible gardens.
- Ouruhia Hall Committee - running costs of Ouruhia Hall.
- Neighbourhood Week 2000 - community activities and events.
Requests for funding may be made at any time of the year. Contact the Community Advocate or Community Secretary at Papanui Service Centre. Ph 354 1705 or 354 1707.
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