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Christchurch City Council Community Plan
Shirley/Papanui 2002 Edition
Community Plans index > Shirley/Papanui index

First contact at local level — Shirley/Papanui Community Board

The Community Board is made up of six people elected to represent the Shirley and Papanui Wards, and three city councillors from the two wards, appointed by the City Council. The Board is not a separate body, it is part of the City Council structure.

The Community Board’s main purpose is to consider matters directly related to local communities, such as community facilities, parks, water supply, footpaths, streets, trees, stormwater, drainage, traffic management and parking. The Board meets every month on the first Wednesday at 4pm, the meetings are held in the Board Room in the Papanui Library and Service Centre building on the corner of Langdons Road and Restell Street. Entrance to the Board Room is from the Restell Street carpark. All these meetings are open to the public. Residents may come along to listen, or to speak to the Board on any issue affecting the local community.

Anyone wishing to speak to the Board, or deliver a Petition, should contact the Community Secretary on 354 1705 to arrange a time.

Board members will also meet with residents at other times and places as required to discuss matters of concern or interest.

Board members can be contacted by ringing the Papanui Advocacy Team on 352 8117.

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