Objectives for 2003/04
Lazy day in summer: The Garden Gala event held at historic Riccarton House.
The Riccarton/Wigram Community Board's objectives for the year are:
- To promote the Board and it's activities in the local community.
- Supplement the capabilities and resources of community groups and structures.
- Support community governance processes.
- Ensure Council activities are responsive to communities.
- Advocate on issues impacting on Christchurch communities.
- To ensure Board decisions are made for the betterment of the community.
Performance Indicators
The Community Board's Performance Indicators will be:
- Promote the Board and it's activities through City Scene, Community Liason
meetings, Resident Groups, Annual Plan and other consultation oppertunities.
- That at least 10 outputs from the Council's Community Policy key strategy
No 2 "supplement the capabilities and resources of community groups or
structures" are
- That at least five outputs from the Community Policy key strategy No 3 "support
community governance processes" are met.
- That at least 12 outputs from the Community Policy key strategy No 4 "ensure
Council activities are responsive to communities" are met.
- That at least four outputs from the Community Policy key strategy No 5 "advocate
on issues impacting on Christchurch communities" are met.
- To make robust decisions, with the agreed-best usage of Board resources
for the Community.
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