Board links council with people
Irish dancing at a Garden Gala event held at Riccarton House this year.
The Riccarton/Wigram Community Board comprises six directly elected members and three members (Councillors) appointed by the Council, giving a total of nine members.
Community Boards undertake tasks delegated by the City Council and also have input into the Council's budget process. Community Boards have an obligation to communicate with community organisations and special interest groups. They have an overview of road works, water supply, sewerage, stormwater, drainage, parks, recreational facilities, community activities and traffic management within their community.
The Community Board is not a separate authority. It is part of the elected structure of the Council and reports each month to the Council in the same way as the Council's standing committees.
Terms Of Reference
The Community Board's terms of reference are:
1. All matters requiring elected member consideration are referred directly to it unless there is a clear metropolitan reason for not doing so.
2. A continuing involvement in the functional areas of streetworks, local traffic engineering, refuse collection, elderly persons' housing, local parks, community activities and recreation activities.
3. A policy and monitoring overview of local aspects of streetworks, parks, traffic, engineering, community activities and regulatory functions.
4.The preparation of an annual submission to the Annual Plan process, and to determine matters relative to the discretionary sum approved by the Council for the community area.
5.The right and duty of active liaison with residents/business/special interest groups in the community, with the particular objective of expanding the existing residents' groups programme.
6. An on-going obligation to keep the Council informed as to community aspirations and level of satisfaction with the service provided.
7. Advice to standing committees on local implications of all metropolitan projects which have particular impacts on the community in question.
8. Advice to standing committees on local implications of such metropolitan projects which have city-wide impacts as are referred to Community Boards for comment.
9. Development of programmes and plans for achieving community development, social well-being and community safety outcomes at the local level, within the framework developed by the City Council.
Board Meetings
The Board meets 11 times a year at the Sockburn Service Centre, at 4.30pm on the first Wednesday of the month. The date, time and location of meetings are publicly advertised. Additional meetings are held on an as-required basis.
Speaking Rights
The Community Board will receive deputations at the beginning of each meeting. If there is an issue you wish to bring before the Board please telephone the Community Secretary.
A maximum of two speakers is heard for each issue and they are given a total of five minutes each in which to address the Board, followed by any questions that Board members may wish to ask.
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