Terms of reference
The Community Board's terms of reference are:
- All matters requiring elected member consideration referred directly to it unless there is a clear metropolitan reason for not doing so.
- A continuing involvement in the functional areas of streetworks, local traffic engineering, refuse collection, elderly persons' housing, local parks, community activities and recreation activities.
- A policy and monitoring overview of local aspects of streetworks, parks, traffic engineering, community activities and regulatory functions.
- The preparation of an annual submission to the Annual Plan process, and determining the allocation of the discretionary sum approved by the Council for the community area.
- The right and duty of active liaison with residents'/business/special interest groups in the community, with the particular objective of expanding the existing residents' groups programme.
- An on-going obligation to keep the Council informed as to community aspirations and level of satisfaction with the service provided.
- Advice to standing committees on local implications of all metropolitan projects which have particular impacts on the community in question.
- Advice to standing committees on local implications of such metropolitan projects which have city-wide impacts as are referred to community boards for comment.
- Development of programmes and plans for achieving community development, social well-being and community safety outcomes at the local level, within the framework developed by the City Council.
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