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City Scene - October 2005
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What kind of neighbour?

How would your neighbours describe you and your household? Would they say you're friendly and approachable? Are you hard to live next to? Do they hardly ever see you? Would they consider you a "good" neighbour?

Christchurch City Council's Neighbourhood Week, from 29 October to 4 November, is all about getting to know the people who live near you. The Council encourages neighbourliness because places where people look out for each other have lower rates of crime, fewer security issues and less chance of people feeling isolated.

The Council’s six Community Boards are backing Neighbourhood Week this year by providing financial support for neighbourhood events and projects across the city.

Throughout September, they asked for applications from the community for small subsidies to help with setting up local get-togethers, such as a barbecue, a street party, a working bee, or just tea and cakes for the street. Alternatively, groups could apply for help to set up a new community group, a walking school bus, or something else which could make a long-term difference.

Neighbourhood Week coordinator James Ryan says the response from the community has been strong.

"We've been impressed by the range of ideas that people have for bringing their neighbourhoods together," he says. "There's a strong sense that we need to rebuild our sense of community spirit, and Neighbourhood Week really seems to be a focal point for that. It's great to see that people really want to make a difference in their own street or neighbourhood."

  • Find out more about Neighbourhood Week online at There's also a special Neighbourhood Week colouring competition, for 5- to 10-year-olds, which closes on 10 October. Pick up an entry form from your local Council office, Service Centre or library
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