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City Scene - October 2005
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Lightbulb offer to conserve energy

A campaign to subsidise 200,000 energy-efficient lightbulbs could result in power savings of up to $27 million in the coming years for Christchurch residents.

Early next month, households which buy their electricity from Meridian Energy will be sent a voucher for three Ecobulbs for $5. Each Ecobulb uses about a fifth of the power of a normal bulb and results in savings for a household of over $100 per bulb.

The scheme is being organised by the Electricity Commission, Meridian Energy and local network company Orion and has the City Council’s support. CCC, through its holding company, owns 87.6 per cent of Orion.

The voucher project aims to distribute 200,000 Ecobulbs throughout the Orion network area. New World, Pak‘n Save and Four Square stores between the Waimakariri and Rakaia rivers will take part by stocking the offered bulbs and accepting the vouchers.

"Households will benefit in this campaign by saving money through reduced power bills and discounted Ecobulbs," says Roy Hemmingway, chairman of the Electricity Commission. "The commission will also be using this pilot programme to assess the impact on peak electricity demand in Christchurch and how much a programme such as this might also reduce pressure on transmission lines, distribution lines and power stations."

The selected bulbs are of high quality and would normally cost about $6 each, so the three-for-$5 offer is a significant saving, he says. The brand was chosen after extensive testing by Orion.

Replacing conventional bulbs with the energy-efficient ones offered means the region could avoid using as much as 150 GWh of electricity demand — enough power to run around 15,000 homes for a year.

  • People who are not Meridian Energy customers can get a voucher by sending a self- addressed envelope to Ecobulbs Offer, PO Box 215, Christchurch
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