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City Scene - October 2005
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It’s all up in the air on 5 November

This year’s Guy Fawkes Night will be bigger than ever as Meridian Energy Fireworks puts on the best show in town from the New Brighton Pier. To make the most of the experience, bring a radio and tune it to The Breeze 94.5FM to hear the soundtrack.

For the last few years, the event’s pyrotechnics have been choreographed to music. It will be done again this year but in order to get more bang for our buck, the Council has decided to install a smaller sound system.

Islay McLeod, who leads the Council’s events production team, says a review of last year’s event showed that although a big public address system was installed on the pier, the sound of the fireworks exploding meant the accompanying soundtrack was probably only heard by a few thousand people close in on either side.

So this year, instead of using a substantial part of the budget to again hire a large sound system, much more of the money will be put towards achieving a bigger fireworks display. The smaller sound system will be mainly to relay public announcements.

So, to get the best out of Meridian Energy Fireworks, get as close to New Brighton Pier as you can on the night (Saturday, 5 November) and tune your radio to The Breeze. The sound and light show will begin at 9.30pm.

Two-Buck Bus
This year, getting to the beach and back will be better too. The regional council, ECan, is coordinating a Two-Buck Bus service — $2 each way or $1.50 on your MetroCard. Buses will be run from main Christchurch centres to Brighton from 6-9.30pm and back again once the display is over. Buses will be given traffic priority. For more information, call MetroInfo on 366 8855.

What is Guy Fawkes Day?
New Zealand is one of several countries whose Parliaments are descendents of the British one. On November 5, 1605 in London a plot was foiled to blow up the English Parliament and King James I. Guy Fawkes, one of the plotters, was caught entering a cellar beneath Parliament where 36 barrels of gunpowder had been stored. The day is traditionally celebrated with fireworks and bonfires, on which effigies of Fawkes — the Guy — are burned.

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