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City Scene - August 2005
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Database changes

The rules about the disclosure of information on the Council’s rating information database have changed.

Councils are now required to have their rating information database available for the public to view including the name and postal addresses of all ratepayers. Christchurch City Council will only make this additional information available over the counter at its Service Centres and at Civic Offices in Tuam Street.

Ratepayers can, however, choose to have their information suppressed so it is not publicly available.

To do this, the ratepayer of a property must request, in writing, to have their name and/or postal address withheld from the database. The request must specify the property, quoting the valuation reference number — which can be found on the rates assessment — and be signed and dated by the ratepayer (owner) and sent to: Christchurch City Council, PO Box 237, Christchurch.

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