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City Scene - August 2005
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Community garden keeps growing

Sydenham’s Strickland Street Community Garden can now use the cottage at its site as a resource centre.

The cottage will provide additional facilities for the project, which began in 1999 under the umbrella of the Addington-based Manuka Cottage Community Development Initiative.

The project gives local people a chance to develop their gardening skills while contributing to a garden for the whole community.

And it is now thriving, thanks to the input of local volunteers, social service agencies, and community groups, under the direction of co-ordinator Christine Blance.

Spreydon/Heathcote Community Board has also played an integral role in its growth by providing funding, support and encouragement. Council has granted the initiative the use of the cottage.

The garden is currently looking for new volunteers with accounting or business skills, and who also share a philosophy of environmental sustainability and strengthening local communities. If you are interested, please contact Christine, phone 379 9087.

  • Strickland Street Community Garden, at 188 Strickland Street, is always open for anyone to wander around, look at the range of vegetables being grown, its use of composting and recycled materials and the upcoming events and courses being advertised.
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