Central city lanes policy The Lichfield Lanes project — which aims to revitalise the lane areas bounded by Lichfield, Madras, Tuam and High streets — has highlighted the need for the Council to look at a policy to guide the possible development of the numerous lanes and alleyways which exist in the central city. “As well as providing better access for people walking between different parts of the central city, the development of lanes can potentially provide unique character areas ,” says Andrew Willis, the Council’s Central City Planner. Both the Council and the Central City Mayoral Forum support providing increased pedestrian linkages between areas. “We need to look at the lanes both on an individual basis and over all,” says Mr Willis. “Also, there are aspects which need to be considered at the start of any development that will be covered in the policy. These include access for delivery vehicles, security and safety, lighting, maintenance and cleanliness.” The policy, in its planning stage, will also provide a guide for the redevelopment of property adjacent to the lane areas. |