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Christchurch City Scene
September 2003

Lead Stories

Council considers cut in size

Multi-sensory centre opens at QEII Park

Peace and understanding

Over-all satisfaction remains high

New interpretation Centre opening soon

Back to the September Index

Take a look at Localeye

Planning a Canterbury wedding, wanting to join a riding school or maybe just looking for a good place to eat? Localeye, the comprehensive Christchurch and Canterbury website, can help.

Run by a small team from Christchurch City Libraries, Localeye - at - offers more than 6000 entries for the Christchurch and Canterbury region. Sites range from businesses and government organisations to community groups and recreational activities.

"We don't charge and we list entries under a variety of headings to give people plenty of ways to find things," Localeye resource editor, Marion Ogier says. Each week, Localeye is checked to ensure that the sites linked to it are working and that information is current. New sites are added often.

A comprehensive business directory, information about local artistic and cultural events, online shopping, a restaurant guide and a wide range of links about local environmental issues are among the website's popular features.

Also well used are the heritage and history pages, the school websites listing and the maps.

"There is so much that you could say about Localeye, the only way to really find out about it, is to take a look for yourself," Marion says.

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