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Christchurch City Scene
September 2003

Lead Stories

Council considers cut in size

Multi-sensory centre opens at QEII Park

Peace and understanding

Over-all satisfaction remains high

New interpretation Centre opening soon

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Street bin sticker trial under way

Some rubbish bins around the city are spor ting stickers enforcing the message that street bins are not communal rubbish dumps for household and commercial rubbish. The 50 bins selected are known to the City Council as being regular sites for dumping rubbish.

The bins will be monitored for six months to see whether the stickers discourage people from dumping rubbish. If the stickers work, the Council will put them on all of the city's bins for a wider 12-month trial.

For more information contact the Council's Refuse, Recycling and Waste Minimisation General Enquiry line on 941 8830,
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