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Christchurch City Scene
September 2003

Lead Stories

Council considers cut in size

Multi-sensory centre opens at QEII Park

Peace and understanding

Over-all satisfaction remains high

New interpretation Centre opening soon

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Sth Island Masters Games entries are going well

More than 1300 early bird entries have been received so far for the South Island Masters Games, and amongst them are some phenomenalstories of ageless competitors.

"If I'm still doing aerobics at 75, hammer throw at 84 and 100m sprints at 88, I'll be thankful," says Games Manager Dale Coulter. "I take my hat off to all our participants."

The South Island Masters Games will be held for the first time in Christchurch next month. It is anticipated that more than 3000 people will compete in 54 sports over nine days from 11-19 October, with the emphasis on participation. Masters (over-35) sport is one of the world's fastest-growing participation events and fits well with City Council aims of encouraging people to keep active and healthy.

On their entry forms, participants are invited to include a bit of information about themselves. "We've received entries from a number of current and former New Zealand title holders, two internationals, and a soccer team looking for love who should perhaps be introduced to a netball team in similar circumstances," says Mr Coulter.

Games organisers are thrilled with entry levels so far, reporting a huge response from the greater Canterbury and Southland areas. They are looking forward to welcoming participants from all over New Zealand.

  • Entries are still open. For more information, phone Jo Campbell on 348 3241 or 021 127 5846, or email
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