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Christchurch City Scene
September 2003

Lead Stories

Council considers cut in size

Multi-sensory centre opens at QEII Park

Peace and understanding

Over-all satisfaction remains high

New interpretation Centre opening soon

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Spring clean-up

Grab a group of friends or workmates and have fun cleaning up your neighbourhood or another special part of Christchurch for this month's Clean Up New Zealand week (15-21 September).

The event, coordinated by Christchurch City Council, is part of the international United Nations Clean Up The World programme and is sponsored locally by Hire a Hubby, McDonalds and The Warehouse.

It relies on individuals, groups, schools and businesses picking a site in their local area and cleaning it up. Across the globe, about 40 million people take part in the annual event, including more than 180,000 New Zealanders.

"Clean-ups can range from a family removing litter from their local park to efforts by companies such as Amcor Cartons, who are this year paying staff to remove graffiti in Hornby," says Nicola Martin, Clean Up NZ's Christchurch coordinator.

One of this year's largest Christchurch clean-ups will be along the tow path track, off Settlers Crescent in Ferrymead on Saturday 20 September, 10am-12.30pm. The Youth Hostel Association and CCC park rangers, who are organising the event, hope many people will attend.

"We're encouraging everyone involved in the week to think about ways of reducing waste as they clean up," Ms Martin says. "Bring along your old gardening gloves rather than use our plastic ones and take along a litter-free lunch with no plastic wrap and a reusable drink bottle."

  • To register your event or be part of one of the week's organised activities contact Nicola Martin on 941 8832. Free bags and gloves are available. Assistance with disposal of rubbish can also be arranged
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