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Christchurch City Scene
September 2003

Lead Stories

Council considers cut in size

Multi-sensory centre opens at QEII Park

Peace and understanding

Over-all satisfaction remains high

New interpretation Centre opening soon

Back to the September Index

Neighbourhood Week 1-7 Nov

What is the name of the woman who jogs past your gate every morning?

Have you said hello to the new neighbours, two doors along?

Neighbourhood Week (1-7 November) is a chance to get to know the people who live closest to you.

By organising an event for your neighbours, you can help build your community, reduce isolation and make your street a safer, friendlier, better place to be, says Christchurch City Councillor Sue Wells, chair of the local Neighbourhood Week Joint Committee.

Neighbourhood Week is the brainchild of the Shirley/Papanui Community Board, which held the first event in 1998. Each year it has grown, to the point that it is now being promoted annually by the Christchurch City Council and nationwide by Neighbourhood Support NZ.

In previous years, neighbours have organised barbecues, street parties, planting days in their local park, "even taking a batch of fresh muffins to the new couple across the road is one step closer to a better neighbourhood," Cr Wells says.

Planning is already under way for the Shirley/Papanui Community Board's Children's Day, which is becoming a regular feature of Neigbhourhood Week. This year it will be held on Sunday 2 November, 11am-3pm. at the Groynes (postponement day 9 Nov).

As part of this year's celebrations, Sea Cruises is offering 50 free tickets for two. Write your name, address and telephone number on the back of an envelope and send it to Sea Cruises Competition, Papanui Service Centre, PO Box 5142 by October 15 to go in the draw. The complimentary cruises will sail on Saturday 1 November, 5-7pm and 7.30-9.30pm.

  • To learn more about Neighbourhood Week or how to organise an event in your community, call your local Council Service Centre representative on 941 8999. Limited funding may also be available through your Community Board to help run an event.
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