Have your say about the representation proposal Christchurch City Council is asking for public reaction to its proposal that the number of city councillors be reduced from 24 to 16 and that the city be divided into eight wards. The ward boundaries would also bethe community board areas. Each of the eight communityboards would have six members, four elected and two (the councillors representing that ward) appointed. Information sheets and background are available at the Council’s service centres and at the Civic Offices on Tuam Street. If you call on 941 8999 we will post a set of the papers to you. Details of the Council’s service centres can be found on p157 of the 2003 telephone book, at the top of column three. The information available at service centres and on the web includes: To let the Council know your views, you can either write to Max Robertson, CCC Representation Review, PO Box 237, Christchurch, or work on-line through the Have Your Say website, at www.ccc.govt.nz/haveyoursay The law says the Council must advise submitters about hearings and their right to be heard. To make a submission, therefore, you must include your name and contact details. You will receive written acknowledgement of your submission and information about Council hearings and your ability to take part. The City Council will not use your contact information for anything other than the Representation Review process, but submitters should be aware that their responses will be available to any members of the public or news media who ask to see them. |