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Christchurch City Scene
September 2003

Lead Stories

Council considers cut in size

Multi-sensory centre opens at QEII Park

Peace and understanding

Over-all satisfaction remains high

New interpretation Centre opening soon

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Fendalton Rd nearing completion

The upgrade of Fendalton Road is almost complete, a month ahead of schedule and within budget. Minor work remains to finish off sections of the central median and small areas of footpath on the northern side of the road are still to be finished and sealed. Landscape planting along the road is due for completion by October.

The upgrade of Fendalton Road started in September last year. The work has been done in stages with the four-laning of the road, between the railway and Clyde Road, completed last month. Christchurch City Council project manager Kevin Burgess says the upgrade was necessary to meet future traffic needs and to improve the safety of the road. "A prime objective was to keep, and enhance, the character of the road as the gateway to Christchurch, through landscaping and enhancing the historic sites and buildings."

The new road includes a landscaped median, cycle lanes, and visitor parking among the existing trees where possible. The project also includes providing off-street parking to serve the needs of visitors to St Barnabas Church.

Locally based contractor Works Infrastructure is doing the work.

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