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Christchurch City Scene
September 2003

Lead Stories

Council considers cut in size

Multi-sensory centre opens at QEII Park

Peace and understanding

Over-all satisfaction remains high

New interpretation Centre opening soon

Back to the September Index

Chinese Gardens to be relocated

The Council has agreed to the relocation of the Chinese Gardens from behind Halswell Quarry Park’s old singlemen’s quarters to a new site on the northern flank of the park. The Chinese Garden is one of the six sisters cities gardens established by the Sister Cities Gardens Committee of Turning Point 2000.

Its original site, behind the historic stone singlemen’s quarters that are now used as the information centre, has an identified heritage rating in the City Plan. The new proposal sees the Chinese Gardens relocated to a site that is removed from the historic buildings. The Council will fund the relocation and the Christchurch-Gansu Friendly Relations Committee will be responsible for any structures incorporated into them.

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