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Christchurch City Scene
June 2003

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Some quality control for Chch compassion

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Small bills may carry big bill

Pasting notices on Council assets around the city may soon earn those doing the postering a bigger audience than they may have hoped for.

City Streets Maintenance Coordinator Gavin Cross says it costs the city thousands of dollars to clean stickers, posters and messy adhesives off traffic poles, light poles and other Council property around the city.

“This is an unnecessary cost to ratepayers. We’re asking the people and groups littering the city to look for other ways to get their message across,” Mr Cross says. “If a polite request to help keep the city clean and tidy doesn’t have the desired result, we’re going to have to look at recovering the costs of cleaning up the unsightly mess.

“What we’re hoping is that those offending in this way can see it from the Council’s point of view and those of ratepayers and use their creativity to work out new ways of communicating without the vandalism.”

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