Footsteps of our Ancestors Awards
Nominations are open for the Nga Tapuwae o Matou Tupuna, Footsteps of our Ancestors awards - a joint initiative of the Shirley/Papanui Community Board and Rehua Marae.
The awards aim to encourage pride in local heritage.
Nominations will be accepted from any person or group living in the Shirley and Papanui wards involved within the past 12 months in a project to do with the conservation and/or promotion of our cultural heritage and is also open to people living outside the ward who have participated in projects that enhance the cultural heritage of this community.
The awards categories are:
- Cultural/Spiritual Significance: An initiative involved in the education and awareness about an object, building, place, person or event of cultural or spiritual significance
- Three Children's sections (5-10 years, 11-12 and13-18): Projects undertaken by children and youth focusing on heritage. A broad category that may, for example include art projects in schools focusing on an event, place, person or object of significance to the heritage of our community. The Shirley/Papanui Community Board is offering prizes of $250 for each of the children's categories
- Education and awareness: Initiatives by individuals or community groups to promote heritage education awareness. This category includes projects such as the implementation of heritage trails or articles in local publications, books and the media
- Good Caretaker Award: In recognition of property owners or tenants who have maintained a property in original or near-original condition for a number of years
- Conservation and restoration: Items in this category must have undergone a conservation and/or restoration programme within the past 12 months or be part of a staged conservation and/or restoration programme. It includes buildings or objects previously under threat of demolition and now secured by either private or community initiative. It can be community, or residential.
Entries close on 25 July 2003. Entries should contain as much information as possible about the nominated project and may include photographs, drawings, models and written material. A contact name and address is required for each nominee.
Want to know more? Go to www.ccc.govt.nz/community/advocacy/ShirleyPapanui/HeritageWeek.asp on the web to learn about the 2002 winners. For info or a nomination form ph Sheryl Killick on 941 5410 (Sheryl.Killick@ccc.govt.nz)