City-wide Parking Strategy
The 2002 draft City-wide Parking
Strategy has been amended and was adopted by the City Council at its 26 June meeting. A key initiative in the adopted strategy identifies a list of factors that will take priority before kerb-space is allocated to on-street parking. These factors include safety, traffic flow, landscaping, and the needs of cyclists and pedestrians. The order of priority varies slightly depending on the type of road under consideration. An order of priority has also been given to the types of parking in areas around the city where parking is provided. Some specific examples include: The adopted strategy also states that on-street parking is a privilege, not a right, so there is no requirement to provide on-street parking on all streets. Many ar terial roads currently function with minimal restrictions on the length of stay for kerbside parking. However, the strategy provides for the replacement of parking with other uses of that space where appropriate, such as safety features, pedestrian facilities and bus lanes. |