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Christchurch City Scene
Hagley/Ferrymead April 2003

Strong, safe and sustainable

Strong, safe and sustainable
Children taking part in one of the Out of School programmes the Board supports in its area.

Strong, safe and sustainable communities is the vision which guides the work of the Hagley/Ferrymead Community Board.

The Board’s mission is to “assist local communities to achieve their visions by providing effective local governance, delivering high-quality service and active community consultation”.

In setting its objectives and performance measures for the coming year, the Board will work towards four main outcomes. They are:

  • Greater participation of tangata whenua and ethnic groups in Board affairs
  • An empowered and enabled community
  • An active community
  • A healthy community living in a sustainable environment For each of these outcomes, the Board has set a number of outputs and ways in which performance can be measured.

Greater participation of tangata whenua and ethnic groups in Board affairs Outputs

  • Engage with tangata whenua and with all ethnic groups in area
  • Incorporate the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi in the work of the Board
  • Harness our cultural diversity

Performance measures

  • Develop a process for an ongoing relationship with tangata whenua leading towards a signed protocol document with tangata whenua
  • Facilitate at least one event or activity annually with tangata whenua and ethnic groups
  • Develop a process for an ongoing relationship with the diverse ethnic groups in the community
  • All Board members have attended Treaty Training by end of 2003
  • An empowered and enabled community


  • Give information, guidance and direction to the community as to how they can access Council services
  • Develop consultation processes that are inclusive, clear and appropriate
  • Advocate community needs and seek sufficient resources to meet needs
  • Fund recognised support programmes in identified areas of need

Performance measures

  • Release information regularly to metropolitan and community media
  • Website developed as a tool for engaging the community with the Board and used for this purpose
  • Meet quarterly with local Members of Parliament to advocate for community issues
  • Hold public meetings to seek community views on significant issues
  • Fund a minimum of two After School and two Holiday Programmes
  • Fund four community initiatives — targeting groups identified in the Poverty and Hardship Report — as identified through research
  • Develop appropriate processes for consultation and a means of evaluation

An active community


  • Identify and acquire further facilities as warranted
  • Encourage participation, taking into account people with disabilities, by promoting and supporting community and recreation activities
  • Lobby for community space in large retail developments

Performance measures

  • Receive and action survey of residents on requirements for facilities
  • Fund and support a youth festival and gain feedback on effectiveness
  • Support at least five Community Days, attempting to target areas identified as needs in poverty and hardship review
  • Provide information about Council’s role in assisting events for schools, marae, clubs, festivals and other events
  • Read and receive appropriate reports on residents’ satisfaction and participation in recreation activities and incorporate recommendations into forward planning

A healthy community living in a sustainable environment


  • Identify and implement ways to improve the natural and built environment, thus improving the health of the community as a whole
  • Encourage social interaction
  • Encourage protection of Hagley-Ferrymead heritage sites
  • Encourage recycling and waste minimisation

Performance measures

  • Meet regularly and lobby Environment Canterbury to effectively advocate for environmental issues Address the shortfall in green open spaces in Hagley Ward by pursuing the provision of at least two additional green open spaces in the Hagley Ward
  • Annually support at least one park landscaping project through funding or other appropriate resourcing
  • Fund ongoing restoration of Hagley/Ferrymead cemeteries
  • Sponsor annual Heritage Award for Hagley-Ferrymead
  • Host a Community Award function for Hagley/Ferrymead recipients
  • Support and fund a gardening recognition initiative
  • Support and fund at least one community garden project
  • Seminar held with Recovered Materials Foundation as a means of encouraging waste minimisation and recycling
  • Process in place for partnerships with Standing Committees to engage community on significant issues
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