Message from the Chair
On behalf of the Hagley/Ferrymead Community
Board, I take this opportunity to extend our thanks
to all of you who have contributed to the Board's
activities and helped achieve positive experiences and
outcomes in our communities in the past year. The Board continues to work towards its vision of
strong, safe and sustainable communities, and
appreciates the efforts of all who assist in striving to
turn this vision into a reality. The Board recently allocated $295,900 of project
funding for the financial year ending 30 June 2004. At
the bottom of Page 5 there is a table with details of
how we are allocating this money. As in past years, the Board focused a significant
amount of its project funding on children and youth
initiatives. This funding included support for successful
Out of School programmes and the Youth Cafe that
will soon open in Linwood. I wish to thank Board members for the
commitment they have demonstrated to the
principles of the Treaty of Waitangi and the energy
they have committed to learning about Maori
protocol, structures and ways in which to build
relationships with local Maori. May we all continue to
work together to assist our communities to develop. Bob Todd |