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Christchurch City Scene
Fendalton/Waimairi April 2003

Nominations open for service awards

Every year the Fendalton/Waimairi Community Board calls for nominations for the Community Service Awards.

These awards acknowledge the work done by dedicated individuals or groups who work in the community in a voluntary capacity for the benefit of others.

The work can be in any of the community service fields, including youth, recreation, older adults, welfare, religion, cultural, environmental or education, and carried out over a number of years.

The Board will soon be calling for nominations, with ads in the local papers. Nomination forms can be obtained from the Fendalton Library and Service Centre on the corner of Jeffreys and Clyde Roads, or mailed to you on request. All nominations will be put before the Board and successful nominees will be recognised at a presentation ceremony hosted by the Community Board in July.

If you know of someone in your community that you feel should be recognised the following general guidelines may assist to know whether your nomination will be acceptable.

  • To be awarded in recognition of significant service of a voluntary nature given:
  • i) by a resident of each of Fendalton and Waimairi communities performing his/her service within Fendalton/Waimairi;

    ii) by a person not a resident of the Fendalton/Waimairi community performing his/her service within Fendalton or Waimairi;

    iii) by a person resident in the community who performs his/her service outside the Fendalton/Waimairi community.

  • The qualifying categories include recreation, youth activities, welfare, educational services, cultural affairs, religious affairs and community affairs.
  • Bona fide organisations, associations, societies, clubs or residents may make nominations. Where an organisation, association etc are nominating, two executive officers are required to sign and record the title of their office on the nomination form.
  • Any nominee who has already received a national honour shall, only in exceptional circumstances, be granted a Community Service Award.
  • For more information, or for the forwarding of a nomination form please contact Kay on 941 6731.
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