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Christchurch City Scene
Fendalton/Waimairi April 2003

A community of positive support

A community of positive support

— Mike Wall
Chair, Fendalton/Waimairi Community Board

With another busy year ahead of the Community Board it is useful to reflect on what has been happening during the past 12 months.

The Board has been pleased with its ongoing working with, and support of, the community.

Financially the Board has provided support to a number of local groups, some of which are covered by other articles in this publication. Of particular mention for support over recent years is that provided to a number of local church organisations which, in their own way, are working closely with different groups and age-groups in achieving well-being within their adjacent community.

Additionally the Board is presently involved in financial support for Community Watch, Neighbourhood Support Canterbury, and the Citizens Advice Bureau (North West Branch), all of which build on the excellent service provided by large numbers of volunteers.

The Board considers that this commitment represents money well spent, providing outcomes which can be measured in value much greater than the money allocated.

The Board continues to support endeavours to maintain and enhance the Garden City image of Christchurch.

Particularly worthy of mention here is the recent endorsement provided to those in the community who continue to tend their properties with the creation of colourful summer gardens. The delight of those who have recently received Community Pride Garden Awards clearly exhibits and reinforces the dedication of those who make that special effort to provide the Fendalton/Waimairi community with its now expected well-groomed appearance.

The Board is currently working with Council on a proposal to enhance the over-all landscaping of Memorial Avenue. Much of this enhancement will entail additional tree planting with the intention of improving the gateway aspect of the avenue, and which will complement the current upgrading of Fendalton Road.

Subject to final agreement, the coming planting season will see additional trees being planted along some areas of the avenue.

While on the subject of tree planting, it is worthy of note that the Board will again be working with a number of schools this year to undertake education on, and participation in, some limited areas of planting. The interest shown by the schools, and particularly the younger children, clearly illustrates the value of this programme.

On behalf of my colleagues on the Community Board I thank all of those in the Fendalton/Waimairi community for the positive support of the Council in looking after our community.

Mike Wall Chair, Fendalton/Waimairi Community Board

  • For information relating to the Fendalton/Waimairi Community Board please feel free to contact the Council's Advocacy team at Fendalton, on 941 6731.
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