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Christchurch City Scene
Burwood/Pegasus April 2003

New Brighton master plan

New Brighton master plan

A destination place where the sea and the foreshore attract people and the beach is ‘connected’ back to the commercial area to attract spending and investment — New Brighton master plan vision.

The New Brighton revitalisation master plan was approved by the City Council late last year after it received the community’s support at a public meeting in November.

The master plan sets a vision for New Brighton, the activity areas covered by the plan, the general and top priorities for each activity area and a proposed budget.

During 2002 the work done on the plan was a collaboration that involved community technical advisers, developers, investors, local residents, Councillors, Community Board members and Council officers — the New Brighton Taskforce. The taskforce met almost every week from the end of January 2002 until the master plan was presented to the public at the meeting in November.

The master plan started from a Council budget meeting in July last year. It resolved that the New Brighton Taskforce be asked to work with the Council in developing a 10-year master plan for New Brighton and with the Pegasus Bay Artificial Reef Trust in developing the artificial reef proposal, on the basis that the funding for the reef is included in the funding allocated for the revitalisation of New Brighton.

The master plan identifies five key areas for development. Within each area a number of priorities. They are as follows:

1. Beach/Foreshore —

Improving the beach and foreshore is a critical first step to revitalising New Brighton. Improving accessibility and creating activity areas are critical to the development.

  • Create a beach park plan with areas for theatre, seaside market, late night carnival, skateboard site, landscaping and sheltered recreation areas
  • Improve pedestrian areas between the foreshore and the commercial areas
  • Provide for beach huts for rental of surfboards, kites and other beach equipment
  • Build an artificial reef to enhance surfing
  • Set aside an area for key activity to attract people and other activities

2. Arts and Entertainment —

The eastern end of the mall is developing a hospitality focus. By encouraging a concentration of hospitality and arts activities adjacent to the foreshore, this area has the potential to become a leading arts, crafts and entertainment destination for the city.

  • Improve link between foreshore and shopping centre
  • Develop the eastern end of the mall with a sculpture court area for display of artwork, including windbreaks
  • Establish a local museum, art and craft gallery and performing arts theatre

3. Commercial/Convenience Shopping —

There is a core of convenience based retail outlets in the mall. This needs to be developed with a strong, unified and unique identity to compete with the other malls. A slow road and short-term parking will support this development.

  • Introduce a slow-road through part of the existing mall
  • Shops should be based around seaside activities

4. Service Shopping —

A service based retail group exists in the western end of the mall. This should be retained with no change being proposed in the master plan.

5. Residential —

More residential development needs to occur in and around the mall. Residential developments should cater for all age and income groups, and include high and low-density buildings.

  • Residential development on the beachfront limited to 5 to 7 storey apartment-style buildings
  • Development of residential in the existing mall area

The community, through the Taskforce, has clearly identified the vision for New Brighton. There has also been a clear indication that the focus for the revitalisation should be the foreshore, with this to be followed by development at the eastern end of the mall and then working back into the mall area.

The Council has approved a total of $1.54 million for the revitalisation of New Brighton but implementation of the master plan will require additional funding.

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