Progress being made by Friends of Linwood Park
This year a group of local residents has worked
alongside the Council and local police looking at
ways to make Linwood Park a safe and welcoming
space for all the community. Safety in the park is a main concern. Over the
next couple of months, two new lights are being
trialled along the middle path, to determine the
best lighting solution. A new mural will soon be painted on the fence
at the eastern end, in response to concerns about
the look of that area. Depicting recreational
activity, the design was prepared by a young local
artist and has been accepted enthusiastically by
residents. In order to encourage wider use of the park, a
range of activities and events has been considered
and some will be organised for the coming
summer period. Recently an assessment was done on Linwood
Park based on the “Crime prevention through
environmental design” principal. This follows the idea that people's behaviour
within the urban environment is influenced by the
design of that environment. Design initiatives can be applied to an area to
minimise its potential to support criminal activity.
Further work is planned involving the broader
community. |