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Christchurch City Scene
July 2001

Catering for all at McDougall Art Gallery

Many people with disabilities or those who have other levels of impaired ability can still find considerable entertainment and interest in a visit to the Council’s Robert McDougall Art Gallery.

Access to the Gallery building is simple with ramps at the main doors and within the gallery spaces.

This means that wheel-chair visitors have easy access at any time and are always welcome.

The Gallery is open daily between 10am and 4.30pm in winter and entry is free.

Every day the Gallery offers free mini tours of art works on display, tailoring the tours for small groups of two to five visitors and adjusting each tour to suit the interests of the participants.

These tours, which are in the form of friendly discussions, are offered daily between 11am and 3pm. Special tours for larger groups are also available, although bookings are required for these.

Another special programme for people with disabilities is the monthly Mac Club, which meets on the first Thursday each month to discuss a topic related to works on exhibition. The club has been going for almost 15 years and in that time it has widened club members’ understanding of art, skills of discussion and provided a pleasant social outlet for members of the disabled community.

New members are welcome and there is no charge for membership or for participation in events.

More details: Ann Betts (Public Programmes Officer) 941 6973 or call at the Gallery to discuss special interests and requirements.

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