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Christchurch City Scene
October 2000

Why I Love Christchurch

Bryan Lintott - Heritage curator, the Arts Centre of Christchurch Of all the excellent things that Christchurch has to offer, strolling, on a summer evening, through the Arts Centre, Botanic Gardens and Hagley Park are at the top.

The Arts Centre quadrangles have a rare moment of rest - the daytime staff have left, diners, actors and dancers are drifting in and the Clock Tower bell slowly marks the hour.

After the heat of the day, the Botanic Gardens offer a cool meander and the river begins to reflect the colours of the warm evening sun. Then, the distant trees in Hagley Park take on a magic blue haze as the sun sinks below the mountains.

A relaxed end to another great day in Christchurch.

Bryan Lintott
Heritage curator, the Arts Centre of Christchurch

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