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City Scene - May 1997

Survey Reviews School Traffic Safety

With ever increasing numbers of parents driving children to and from school, traffic chaos at the school gates is a growing problem. In an initiative of the Spreydon/Heathcote Community Board, road safety education officer Tim Ashton of the City Council's parking unit has surveyed 25 schools and kindergartens in Spreydon and Heathcote to assess what the Council can do to improve traffic safety at each school.

It is a case of finding out what the schools want done, and working out how Council can help, he says. Solutions suggested by the schools range from cycle lanes, more parking and improved road signage. Using the review of school traffic safety in the area, Tim Ashton is working with the Police, the Road Safety Co-ordinating Committee and other Council units to evaluate solutions for the problems identified at each school.

May 1997 City Scene ~ City Scene Archive

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