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Christchurch Voted 9th best Tourist City in the World 1997: "Travel & Leisure" magazine

Companies aim to conserve resources and save costs

Twelve Christchurch companies are working together to cut pollution and save money through implementing cleaner production practices in the workplace.

This project, Target Zero, is being coordinated jointly by Christchurch City Council, ECNZ and Southpower.

Christine Byrch is Target Zero co-ordinator for the Christchurch City Council.

"The project will encourage companies to assess their use of resources such as water, energy and raw materials, audit their processes and the products and by-products of their activities and work out how to reduce any inefficiencies in their production methods.

"By being aware, tightening their housekeeping or altering technology, they should find ways to reduce pollution and make cost savings," she said.

Together with 50 percent funding from the Ministry for the Environment, contributions from the participating companies, Christchurch City Council and ECNZ complete the Target Zero budget.

For more information contact Christine Byrch on 941 8856.

September 1997 City Scene ~ City Scene Archive

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