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Christchurch Voted 9th best Tourist City in the World 1997: "Travel & Leisure" magazine

Week focuses on Christchurch's special character

Hoyt Heritage week, 1997 A week long festival in the spring aims to encourage local people to conserve and value the City's historic buildings.

Hoyts Heritage Week 1997 is scheduled for 18-25 October. Over 70 events will be held including displays, lectures, seminars, tours and open days.

Hoyts Heritage Week is being run by Council's Environmental Policy and Planning Unit and they have contracted Astrid Andersen of The Events Company to co-ordinate activities.

"Heritage Week is an opportunity to focus on preserving the special character of our City and to acknowledge the invaluable work carried out by a number of groups to save specific buildings and places.

"By drawing attention to Christchurch's heritage, the festival invites major corporations to take an interest in preserving our City's character in a similar way that many have become involved in other environmental issues. We hope this will help reduce the rate of buildings lost," Astrid Andersen said.

Highlights of the festival will include a key-note lecture by interiors conservator Stephen Cashmore, a one-day lecture on the history and conservation of domestic interiors, tours of historic buildings and places (including a Spirited Cemetery tour) and a Victorian fair.

For more information contact The Events Company on 377 7704.

September 1997 City Scene ~ City Scene Archive

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