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Christchurch Voted 9th best Tourist City in the World 1997: "Travel & Leisure" magazine

Did you know the statue of Antarctic explorer Robert Falcon Scott, standing in Oxford Terrace, was sculpted by his wife Kathleen Bruce, a talented artist, who died 50 years ago last month.

Kathleen trained at the Slade School in London before living in Paris, where she studied with French sculptor Rodin.

She married the explorer in 1908, after his first Antarctic expedition.

When Scott died returning from the South Pole in 1912, Kathleen wrote: "There never was a man with such a sense of responsibility and duty, and the agony of leaving his job undone, losing the other lives and leaving me uncared for must have been unspeakable."

Scott and Kathleen's son Peter became a famous naturalist.

Robert Falcon Scott,

September 1997 City Scene ~ City Scene Archive

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