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Christchurch Voted 9th best Tourist City in the World 1997: "Travel & Leisure" magazine

City a magnet for top sports stars

Some of the world's top sports stars could train in Christchurch for the Sydney Olympics, following this month's publication of a sports training guide by the City Council.

A showcase for Christchurch sports venues and training facilities, the guide has been sent to each of the 197 nations expected in Sydney for the Olympics and the Paralympic Games.

Kate Colebourne of the City Council's Leisure and Community Services Unit co-ordinated the guide.

"When Sydney was given the Games, we realised there was a great spin-off opportunity for Christchurch to bring international athletes to train here.

"Thousands of competitors will be in Sydney. Most will need somewhere to train and acclimatise before competing. Christchurch has the facilities and is close enough to Sydney to make it a suitable venue. Bringing top athletes and their support teams to the City will provide good benefits for accommodation and related tourist businesses," she said.

Included in the guide is information on venues such as QEII, Pioneer Stadium, Porrit Park and the new Westpac Trust Sports and Entertainment Centre, (which will be completed around 18 months before the Games).

"Triathletes, hockey teams, softballers, road cyclists and track and field athletes will be particularly well served by our facilities.

"Because the City is flat and most venues are wheelchair friendly, we should also be popular with Paralympic competitors," said Kate Colebourne.

Some 3,500 training guides will be distributed to international sports associations and given to New Zealand athletes to use when they compete overseas.

September 1997 City Scene ~ City Scene Archive

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