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Christchurch Voted 9th best Tourist City in the World 1997: "Travel & Leisure" magazine

Children like parks and beaches, hate smog, traffic and litter

Pupils of Christchurch intermediate and primary schools like living in the City, they particularly enjoy the parks, beaches and festivals, but dislike smog, litter and traffic, according to research carried out recently by Christchurch City Council children's advocate Lyn Campbell.

"Planning for the Future of a Great City" sought the views of year seven and eight children.

"Christchurch children believe we have a wonderful environment and they want to keep it that way. The City's chemical-free water supply is singled out by 44 percent as one of the things they like most, while 54 percent mention parks, beaches and rivers.

"Conserving or improving the environment is a concern, with 35 percent of children mentioning smog or air pollution and 24 percent mentioning litter as things they would like to change about Christchurch.

Children's advocate Lyn Campbell with colourful submissions sent in by children

"A concern for a third of children is the level of traffic and 21 percent mention public transport as something to improve in the future by building a monorail or a subway, extending the tram or improving bus services," said Lyn Campbell.

Around 27 percent of the children surveyed mention events or festivals as one of the things they like most about Christchurch and 41 percent believe the City can be improved by offering more activities for children and young people.

September 1997 City Scene ~ City Scene Archive

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