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City Scene - May 1997

Your City, Your Choice

Christchurch residents receive a number of services from the City Council, paid for through rates.

These services include:

Each of these services is based on assets which, combined, are worth around $2,000 million. To maintain these assets costs around $110 million every year.

Are you satisfied with these services? Could they be better? Would you prefer to pay less for a lower standard of service?

Christchurch City Council is reviewing the management of its assets. Council has published a book, Your City, Your Choice, which provides a broad overview of the services these assets allow Council to provide.

You can comment on Your City, Your Choice. All residents are asked for their thoughts before the Council adopts the standards of service.

As a Christchurch resident, this is your opportunity to make your opinions heard and play your part in the development of your City.

Your City, Your Choice, outlines all the options. Consider carefully the services you regard as most important and make your opinions count by filling in the form in the book.

For a copy of Your City, Your Choice and a submission form, call the Draft Plan Hotline, 941 8888.

May 1997 City Scene ~ City Scene Archive

This page is not a current Christchurch City Council document. Please read our disclaimer.
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