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City Scene - May 1997

Victoria Park Visitors Contribute to New Port Hills Gateway

A 100 year old building in Victoria Park has received a new lease of life as a visitor's centre for the Port Hills.

Built to commemorate Queen Victoria's diamond jubilee, the park booth has been transformed from an empty shell into a gateway to the Port Hills a focal point for trampers, mountain bikers, botanists, geologists and anyone else interested in the area.

 Victoria Park  visitor's centre

Port Hills head ranger Paul Devlin with a group of visitors at the new centre.

Paul Devlin, Christchurch City Council's head ranger for the Port Hills, planned and built the visitor's centre displays with assistance from his ranger colleagues and plenty of hints from people visiting Victoria Park. We have kept the building open right through. People are always dropping in to check our progress. As well as watching us swear and curse on the job, they have told us what they would like to see and, where possible, we have gone ahead and built it, he says.

With displays on geology, history, flora and fauna and local recreational opportunities the centre has received numerous visits from school parties, corporate challenge groups and overseas tourists.

For more information call the centre on 332 9889.


May 1997 City Scene ~ City Scene Archive

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