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City Scene - May 1997

Saving Energy Saves Money And Wins National Accolade

Improved energy efficiency has cut the annual rates bill by a million dollars since 1995 savings which recently won the City Council a prestigious award for energy conservation. Winner of the Energy-Wise Companies Award from the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority, ratepayers contribute 15 per cent less to the City's power bills thanks to a wide range of energy conservation measures adopted over the past few years.

Biogas energy from the Bromley wastewater treatment plant represents the biggest saving around $300,000 per year. Overall the energy costs for each Christchurch ratepayer have fallen from an average $73 in 1991 to just $62 this year.

Feedback Shows Tenants Satisfied

Tenants in Christchurch City Council housing are highly satisfied with the service they receive, according to the results of research carried out with half of the tenants recently. Housing manager Errol Waller says the results so far have been favourable, with an enthusiastic response to the questionnaire and feedback from tenants demonstrating high levels of satisfaction with accommodation, service and rents. We have identified some areas where security could be improved. Action has already been taken, with shrubbery cut back, fencing installed and lighting improved, he said.

More tenants will be contacted for their opinions in September.

May 1997 City Scene ~ City Scene Archive

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