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City Scene - May 1997

From the Mayor

Mayor Vicki Buck

It's already that time again - when we put together a draft plan of priorities for spending your money.

There's some major new environmental initiatives this year. Finally we get kerbside recycling starting in May - and prior to that a major effort to establish good sustainable markets for the recyclables. And by Christmas time a futuristic electric shuttle through the Central City.

There's a social thrust to this draft plan as well. We've wanted to ensure children and young people get a really good start, and real opportunities. We want a strong safety net in place so that children cannot fall through what are now major cracks in the social system.

Suburban footpaths, neighbourhood improvements, a major upgrade of the sewerage scheme and lots more parks are also in the plan. But remember, it's your city and your money - so it really needs your input.


Vicki Buck


May 1997 City Scene ~ City Scene Archive

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