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City Scene - July 1997

Car Park Offers Cycle Security

Inner city cyclists needing somewhere to leave their bikes can now use the Lichfield Street Car Park.

Alix Newman, Christchurch City Council transport projects officer, says there are now 25 individual cycle racks at the car park.

"Access to the car park is on the ground floor. Cyclists can use their own chains or D-locks to secure their bikes in this area for free. Use of storage lockers for helmets and other gear is $2 each," he said.

Cyclists should use the Cashel Mall or Plymouth Lane access to the car park, which is open every day except Sundays.

Secure cycle facilities are also available at Noahs car park in Oxford Terrace and will be installed in the Manchester Street car park by the spring. The new Farmers car park will also have secure bike parks.

Insulation Offer to Beat Power Bills

An energy saving offer will help Christchurch people control their power bills this winter.

Southpower and Community Energy Action have finance available to help those on low incomes to install home insulation.

Offering a subsidy of up to 50 per cent to home owners holding a Community Services card, the home insulation assistance covers energy saving innovations such as cylinder wraps, pipe lagging, ceiling insulation, draught stopping and adjustable hot water thermostats.

For more information call the Southpower customer hotline, 363 9200.

July 1997 City Scene ~ City Scene Archive

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