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City Scene - November 1996

Where will it end?

What happens after we've flushed (or pulled the plug) is something most of us don't like to think about. But the best way of disposing of wastewater is one of the most serious issues facing our city right now. And it affects us all.

For nearly 100 years treated wastewater from Christchurch's Bromley plant has been discharged into the Estuary of the Heathcote and Avon Rivers. But options for disposal of wastewater are now up for review, as the City Council prepares to lodge a new application for consent under the Resource Management Act. And that process needs your involvement.

Wastewater discharge is a pretty emotive topic. (With environmental, recreational, health, social and cultural implications.) And the Council would like to hear your thoughts - so that all issues, opinions, arguments and options can be considered.

Because with 140 million litres of wastewater being pumped into the Christchurch City Wastewater Treatment Plant every day, we'll all have a big problem on our hands if it has nowhere to go at the end. (If you'll pardon the expression.) Here's how you can have your say:

  1. Become a Working Party representative.
  2. Join a sub group and attend meetings on specialised topics of interest to you.
  3. Become a Working Party observer.
  4. Make an oral, or written, submission. To the Working Party, or to a sub group meeting.
  5. Go on the mailing list for Working Party newsletters and/or technical reports.
  6. Go to a public meeting.

If you're interested in getting involved, or need more information, please contact: Andrew Nichols or Walter Lewthwaite at the Waste Management Unit, Christchurch City Council, P.O. Box 237, Christchurch.

Phone 03-379 1660, Fax 03-941 8384.

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